Hard to believe it's been 6 months already! It's been a crazy 6 months for sure, and not just because I'm a new bunny owner. If anything it's been a blessing that I've been able to come home to such fluffy roommates during these strange times.
As you can see... they continue to grow. The first photo in the grid is probably the last time Cinnamon will be crawling under the sofa. He struggled a lot to get under there... so I had to get a shot. Not the best photo... but considering there was no light under there I'm glad it came out this well. He stayed for about 10 mins and then said goodbye to his favorite hiding space. If he ever tries to get under there again I think he might just end up moving the sofa instead.
Nutmeg is doing her best to blend into all my rugs and also doesn't like it when I leave my shoes tied.
I'm curious to see how they handle the fireworks that will be going off over the next few weeks.... fingers crossed I'm the only one annoyed.