The day before Valentine's Day I learn that the bunnies were ready to be picked up, of course I was ready that day and rushed over after work. I had most of January to work on setting up a living area for them. I did a lot of research and figured a standard 4 foot high pen just wasn't going to cut it for these two. I found this great outdoor dog pen that was just the right size for the room I had. The best part was the 6 foot walls. Making sure the bunnies don't escape during the day and get hurt was a major concern. Flemish Giant Bunnies also grow to be quite large in just a matter of months. So I knew they would be able to jump over a 4 foot pen in no time. To start off with I put down cardboard and a test rug until I knew more about their personalities. I wanted to find out if they were going to be chewers before putting a lot of things in their pen. I made a litter and feeding box, as well the the border of the cage out of pine. A bunny safe wood that I knew they could chew on. The border was my way of making sure they chewed on the wood and not the metal fencing. So far it has working like a charm.
Now before anyone rants about how Bunnies shouldn't be kept in a cage. Let me say that this is just a safe space for them to call their own. They will spend a lot of time free roaming in my house once they are accustom to it. I also need to be able to contain them in a safe space when I'm at work or away from the house. Doors are something I lack, so a large pen works great. And when I say large.... this pen is 5 feet wide, 10 feet long, and 6 feet high.
It was time!
I brought them both home in a small cat carrier... within a short period of time I would be upgrading to a much larger carrier for vet visits! At this time they were about 9 weeks old and each about the size of a football. They quickly explored their new home and ran all over the place smelling and nose bumping everything they could... including me.
Born on December 8, 2019, Let me introduce my two new Flemish Giants, Cinnamon and Nutmeg. Cinnamon has the lighter, brownish color and is the male. Nutmeg has the darker gray color and is female.
Let the adventure begin!