You can see in the last photo... I was finally able to go to a store and find a nice large rug from them to enjoy. I put the smaller rugs around other areas of the house, now they can hop, bink, floop, and superman anywhere they want! I try to come up with something creative to entertain them every week. Sometimes its a box with special hay in it.... sometime tissue paper with hidden treats. 

Nutmeg has decided her favorite spot to relax is on her blanket wherever she decides to drag it. For Cinnamon, he is perfectly happy to ignore all the nice rugs and things I've gotten them, and just flop down in the corner by the sofa. I tell myself it's so he can be closer to me while watching tv... 

They have grown quite a bit... you can see from the last photo that all stretched out in the superman pose they are no longer little beach balls. The blue striped rug next to them is a 4'x6' rug...

They now can easily jump over a four foot gate, and often just jump to the top of their hide box to relax. One night Nutmeg jumped over the entire box. I think she was just as surprised as I was. Afterwards she just stood there with a "did you see that" expression. They got extra treats that night. I also said a silent thank you to myself for buying a 6 foot tall pen.

I Love My Ball!

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